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Chill Water Isolation Valves:

Again, repair only as needed....  If a valve isn't working, then document which one(s) is inoperable and assist owner to have it replaced - as it belongs to the apartment and is responsibility of each owner to maintain as per in Article V  Section 1, not the AOAO's responsibility.  A program can be put together to test these valves and even steward the replacement in an organized efficient manner.  A program much like the exterminator program for pest which is facilitated by management but paid for by the individual owner.  If the bylaws are changed such that the association would own the valves, then have a well-considered maintenance plan to test the valves once a year or as recommended by the manufacturer.


Additional Info About Valves:

Inside your apartment's air conditioning unit is a ball valve with a knob that gets gummed up over time, and needs to be opened and closed once or twice a year to clean it out - the same holds for bathroom ball valves.  If valves become stuck they can break easily, so this should be done by a skilled person.  We have many engineer owners in the complex, and could make youtube videos with them regarding the proper maintenance of various mechanisms in your condo.  

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